I am so so angry about myself!!!

I can not make anyting well-done.

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1. New pics uploaded!!!  (Finally......-_-)

plz press the pic to link the new album.....^^

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While the weather got colder and colder in Seattle, I still can not find suitble outerwear here. 

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At the last day b/4 the autumn quarter started, I finally had an orientation especially for MBA exchange graduate. It was my first time to see all MBA exchange graduates, abt 14(?!) ppl from TWN, Shanghai, UK, Sweden, Jap, Denmark, India, Turkey, Korea, etc. Hehe, we were quite diversified that I could hardly remember all the countries. What's more, I found myself hving hving bad memories remembering ppl's names, especially most of the pronunciation and spelling of their names were so strange for me to keep in mind. -_- This situation doesn't improve a lot while currently a quarter has passed by....(GOD!!-_-) Hence, I always say "Hi" instead of ppl's names when meeting classmates........ It's really terrible!!

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Well, it was another visit, Space Needle, held by FIUTS b/4 the autumn quarter started. Space Needle is the important symbol of Seattle, just like TPE 101 in TPE, a must-visit spot for vistors. Hehe, but it was silly to take this pic b/c my dual chin was so obvious at this strange angle....

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It's my cousin's engaged party....
i'm so sad that i missed this important party...also the yummy cookies....>.

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In the last weekend b/4 the autumn quarter started, I went to the boat cruise with FIUTS. This was also a popular activity every year. Again, lots of int'l students filled the whole bus to Pier 55 near the Pike Place Market. We got on Boat Argosy, and the journey started. 

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It was my first time to hang around with Sandy and TJ @ Farmer's market. It locates at u-district, and only opens on Saturday. Ha.....Thanks Chien, Sandy is the my first UW frnd that I know in TWN. TJ is the other nice guy who let Aidan and I stay at his place when we arrived seattle for the first nite. 

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Shoko and me


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        My first night is really sleepless in Seattledue to the damn jet lag. (>.

        Well, it is still hard to believe that I am in Seattle now for the following nine months. Everything here is so strange for me. The sense of unfamiliarity even makes me numb towards its beautiful scenery. Fortunately, all friends I meet in UW are really nice and enthusiastic. Without their kindness during this first day, I would not have any confidence to get through the rest nine months.

         When arriving at Sea Tac Airport, I was totally useless while standing in front of those two heavy luggages. (-_-) Poor Aidan and Neil, in addition to their own luggage, they had to help me move mine all the time. About 2:30 pm, Simon and Anteony who I had contacted via TOSA come to pick Aidan and me up. We drove to visit Ruru who would have her second year in UW MBA right away.

         Ruru took Aidan and me to open local bank accounts at Bank of America (BOA). I found my English is so so so poor and influent. (>.         It was nearly 6:30 after we settled down the bank accounts and T-Mobile. Hospitable Ruru invited several UW fresh graduates to have dinner at Thai 65. It was my first meal in Seattle. The dishes tasted good, but my mind was full of where to find a house for the following period. -_-

         After dinner, everyone helped Aidan and me to move our huge luggages to our temporary place- Allegro Apt R406. It is really a high-class studio, but costs $30 one night. Because Neil also temporarily stayed in the same apartment, we went to visit him and tried to know new friends here. And then, something unbelievable happened!!

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FIUTS orientation opening was the first UW activity I took part in. 
FIUTS is the organization that offers various services and events for int'l student, but they didnt assign me a host family at the beginning!!

Well, everyone in the opening ceremony was quite excited. Being freshmen in UW, we all looked forward to the new campus life. There were even many greeting and welcoming signs hanged everywhere in UW...

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