In the last weekend b/4 the autumn quarter started, I went to the boat cruise with FIUTS. This was also a popular activity every year. Again, lots of int'l students filled the whole bus to Pier 55 near the Pike Place Market. We got on Boat Argosy, and the journey started.
The weather was really good that day. Look at the pic, I even wore the cute t-shirt bought in Nagoya with May!!! (>.Thus, everybody did nothing but took pics all the time. Ha.....that's the only thing I can rememer now. Actually, some ppl celebrated a Korean's girl's B-day during the cruise, but i didn't know that girl very well....>.
The cruise lasted almost for 2 hrs?!....So we also had the chance to enjoy the nite view of Seattle during this journal. Space Needle was really buautiful at nite time, and agian it was time for everyone to scream and take pics.....
At that time, everyone was stiil happily enjoying all the interesting and new experiences in this exotic Seattle. Seeing those amazing nite views, I even told to myself," how come I would be homesick and miss that small Taiwan?"......
Obviously, I was so childish at that time.....
Dec 12, 2005