once the dream in the youth has come true, i would also have to pay the price for it.
however, when i look back that "come-true" dream, i dont even have confidence saying that i've been already enjoyed the dream.
even i've spent most of time and efforts on it, i dont dare to say that.
but still, i've to pay the price for it, cuz that was once my dream.
目前分類:錄音室-Murmuring (54)
- Nov 24 Tue 2009 23:14
- Sep 28 Mon 2009 21:43
kinda afraid that i start to hate myself before figuring out the way you feel
看來太早下班回家東想西想,也不是件好事 哈!
- Feb 19 Thu 2009 16:39
敗犬們請急起直追--by 本blog第一位貴賓作家威利汪卡
- Oct 30 Thu 2008 18:00
One more night after 6 yrs
今天早上 在廣播聽到了這個聲音 這些話
哈~ 低調小歌迷開始期待了~~
- May 07 Wed 2008 00:28
hv not updated my own blog for almost one yr after starting my career life...
Just happened to read my previous blog entries and pics last week..
i was very very very shocked and surprised.
cant imagine i had had such unforgettable and colorful life while i was in seattle.
it seems to exaggerate that difference between those days and current life pattern.
it doesn't mean i dont like my current life. (actually i quite appreciate it.)
mmm....just...just miss those days, those smells, those special frnds so much.
feel so lucky that i can still keep in touch w/ or meet some frnds under our tight schedule nowadays.
(sometimes i even wish (or say "dream"?) i could meet some of them again if possible.)
Anyways....due to certain reason, i stop writing blog to run away from some memories....(or say...to run away from certain world i build up for myself..)
but....after viewing my past entries and pics....just feel it might be the time to re-open my blog again. :)
(tho my life might be 100 times more boring now..)
Just happened to read my previous blog entries and pics last week..
i was very very very shocked and surprised.
cant imagine i had had such unforgettable and colorful life while i was in seattle.
it seems to exaggerate that difference between those days and current life pattern.
it doesn't mean i dont like my current life. (actually i quite appreciate it.)
mmm....just...just miss those days, those smells, those special frnds so much.
feel so lucky that i can still keep in touch w/ or meet some frnds under our tight schedule nowadays.
(sometimes i even wish (or say "dream"?) i could meet some of them again if possible.)
Anyways....due to certain reason, i stop writing blog to run away from some memories....(or say...to run away from certain world i build up for myself..)
but....after viewing my past entries and pics....just feel it might be the time to re-open my blog again. :)
(tho my life might be 100 times more boring now..)
- Sep 05 Wed 2007 22:23
Cherry had been my favorite fruit...
總是拿起 然後又放下~~
到愛買散心....逛著逛著....看著大賣場....almost burst into tears.....
how stupid...super stupid.....stupid me......
- Apr 24 Tue 2007 07:23

The Halloween pumpkin is becoming old.
More and more wrinkles on her face.
But her smile remains the same all the time.
She looks even sweeter and happier under the sunshine.
Sweet like those days....
Happy like the mood while i was buying the cute little pumpkin at the farmers' market. :)
Hehe....suddenly, one of my favorite old songs comes to my mind.
"永遠的微笑" :)
- Dec 11 Mon 2006 15:06
@Seattle-20061211 (Mon) Recently..
- Nov 06 Mon 2006 08:20
@Seattle-20061106 (Mon) 小小的幸福

20061106 (Mon)
在IKEA裡,Po和 Mingyi挖到的寶,才八大洋的大電視櫃!!
- Nov 02 Thu 2006 22:51
@Seattle-20061102 (Thu) Never prepared for rapid change
- Oct 23 Mon 2006 07:25
@Seattle-20061023 (Mon) Wish List
- Sep 29 Fri 2006 23:05
@Seattle-20060929 (Fri) 對你有感覺
- Sep 20 Wed 2006 22:13
@Seattle-20060920 (Wed) A hug when im lost

20060920 (Wed)
Recently I feel frustrated by the internship again, both the original and the new one.
- Sep 11 Mon 2006 01:42
@Seattle-20060911 (Mon) 曾經太年輕

作詞:方文山 作曲:黃韻玲 編曲:鍾興民 演唱:藍又時
窗外風鈴一直不安靜 風在搖晃不安的宿命
我聆聽 你回憶經過的聲音
開始旅行寂寞很清醒 我在靠近過去的邊境
有些 戀人只是 路過時的風景
曾經太過年輕 卻絕對真心
我給的愛始終任性 不懂花開只一次的愛情
曾經太過年輕 淚純真透明
你的堅定 我仍然還 相信
我一直都收藏著 摺疊用心 讓誓言乾淨
曾經太過年輕 在人海飄零
那些關於我的事情 總有你緊緊跟隨的聲音
曾經太過年輕 淚純真 透明
你的堅定 我仍然還 相信
- Sep 03 Sun 2006 10:40
@Seattle-20060903 (Sun) Wanna be w/ YOU!

20060903 (Sun)
My cousin (小姐姐) brought her twins back to twn from Australia w/ her Australian husband.
This might have been the happiest and important thing in our families.

- Aug 20 Sun 2006 12:31
@Seattle-20060820 (Sun) Something abt EQ
- Aug 15 Tue 2006 19:50
@Seattle-20060815 (Tue) Afraid of packaging
- Aug 14 Mon 2006 14:40
@Seattle-20060814 (Mon) A WARM call from an old frnd
- Aug 09 Wed 2006 22:58
@Seattle-20060809 (Wed) Enjoy shopping for U