
20060903 (Sun)

My cousin (小姐姐) brought her twins back to twn from Australia w/ her Australian husband.
This might have been the happiest and important thing in our families.
But it's a pity grandma cant see and touch her grand grand twins in person.
If she's still here, she'll definitely be very happy and proud to tell the bus driver her cute grand grand twins just visit her!!
Her contented expression would be like when she told the bus driver i was studying in NCCU....  
Well....stop thinking these impossibilities.

Since everyone was so eager to see the cute twins (and 混血兒 as well), my eldest aunt (大阿姨) arranged a huge family reunion.
Almost every family member in twn join in the reunion!!

To find out more pics, plz visit my dad's album:

I feel so glad our family relationship has been tighten up more and more after may and emi went back from Vancouver; after we went through grandma's stuffs together....

Then May sent me some pics they took that day....Dad also asked me to visit his online album to see more pics.
Hmm.....In seattle, every time i view these family photos, i always burst into tears....
Previously, i dont think im a person who will miss family and home town very often. 
But i do after coming to seattle. 

Wat hv happened in seattle and in twn this yr makes me think a lot and seriously. 
Staying in seattle is really a very beautiful dream though there r disappointment and hard time....
However, it's time to consider seriously when to wake myself up in this dream. (cuz i'll be 26 pretty soon!) 

No matter how disordered in twn rite now, it's my final home....
i hv all my family there; i hv my career dream there...(or say in China or Asia..)
And after all,i hv to admit my background and skills are far from satisfactory and qualified in the U.S....
Twn and Asia are still the places more sutible and realistic for me...

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