hv not updated my own blog for almost one yr after starting my career life...

Just happened to read my previous blog entries and pics last week..
i was very very very shocked and surprised.

cant imagine i had had such unforgettable and colorful life while i was in seattle.
it seems to exaggerate  that difference between those days and current life pattern.
it doesn't mean i dont like my current life. (actually i quite appreciate it.)
mmm....just...just miss those days, those smells, those special frnds so much.

feel so lucky that i can still keep in touch w/ or meet some frnds under our tight schedule nowadays.
(sometimes i even wish (or say "dream"?) i could meet some of them again if possible.)

Anyways....due to certain reason, i stop writing blog to run away from some memories....(or say...to run away from certain world i build up for myself..)

but....after viewing my past entries and pics....just feel it might be the time to re-open my blog again. :)
(tho my life might be 100 times more boring now..)

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