目前分類:錄音室-Murmuring (54)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要
發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2009-11-24 Dream (56) (0)
2009-09-28 飄浮 (47) (2)
2009-02-19 密碼文章 敗犬們請急起直追--by 本blog第一位貴賓作家威利汪卡 (12) (0)
2008-10-30 One more night after 6 yrs (62) (0)
2008-05-07 RE-OPEN?? (152) (1)
2007-09-05 Cherry (49) (0)
2007-08-29 今天.. (260) (0)
2007-04-24 永遠的微笑 (462) (0)
2006-12-11 @Seattle-20061211 (Mon) Recently.. (347) (2)
2006-11-06 @Seattle-20061106 (Mon) 小小的幸福 (244) (1)
2006-11-02 @Seattle-20061102 (Thu) Never prepared for rapid change (176) (1)
2006-10-23 @Seattle-20061023 (Mon) Wish List (167) (0)
2006-09-29 @Seattle-20060929 (Fri) 對你有感覺 (116) (0)
2006-09-20 @Seattle-20060920 (Wed) A hug when im lost (82) (2)
2006-09-11 @Seattle-20060911 (Mon) 曾經太年輕 (86) (0)
2006-09-03 @Seattle-20060903 (Sun) Wanna be w/ YOU! (126) (0)
2006-08-20 @Seattle-20060820 (Sun) Something abt EQ (90) (0)
2006-08-15 @Seattle-20060815 (Tue) Afraid of packaging (107) (0)
2006-08-14 @Seattle-20060814 (Mon) A WARM call from an old frnd (98) (1)
2006-08-09 @Seattle-20060809 (Wed) Enjoy shopping for U (105) (0)
2006-08-07 @Seattle-20060807 (Mon) Being Madddddddd!!! (120) (0)
2006-05-28 @Seattle- 20060528 (Sun) My DADDY班特力先生 (111) (3)
2006-05-27 @Seattle- 20060527 (Sat) Feel SAFE (75) (0)
2006-05-27 @Seattle- 20060527 (Sat) Nobody (42) (2)
2006-05-13 @Seattle-[偷書]女性自戀 (112) (0)
2006-05-06 @Seattle-20060506 (Sat) I hv to.. (50) (0)
2006-05-05 @Seattle-20060505 (Fri) Disorder (57) (0)
2006-05-05 @Seattle-20060505 (Fri) I suck.. (62) (0)
2006-04-18 @Seattle-200604018 (Tue) 早く回復することを祈る (69) (0)
2006-03-09 @Seattle-20060309 (Thu) Cruelty v.s. Self-esteem (31) (0)
2006-01-04 @Seattle-20060104 Not eligible.. (51) (1)
2005-12-10 @Seattle-Nothing but SORRY (47) (0)
2005-12-07 @Seattle-Rene and Daphne! (50) (0)
2005-12-01 @Seattle-Being proud of u!! (43) (1)
2005-12-01 @Seattle-missing u (57) (0)
2005-10-26 @Seattle-Announcement!! (45) (0)
2005-09-26 Murmuring-20050925 miss all u guys (69) (0)
2005-08-31 in a mess (57) (0)
2005-08-03 getting older.. (63) (1)
2005-08-02 instable and blue (60) (0)
2005-07-13 how sarcastic! (67) (2)
2005-06-29 wifly!! (143) (1)
2005-06-25 出外靠朋友 (35) (1)
2005-06-15 recent life (73) (6)
2005-05-31 something seems to be done (59) (1)
2005-05-28 當老二真的不錯又一例^^ (78) (0)
2005-05-24 老二其實很不錯^^ (96) (6)
2005-04-29 PGWS only for u (40) (0)
2005-04-09 wish u well (49) (0)
2005-04-08 leraning is somewhat difficult..... (45) (0)
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