1. New pics uploaded!!! (Finally......-_-)
plz press the pic to link the new album.....^^
2. I seriously swear that i'll definitely find time to rearrange my blog this week.....!!!
There would be several sub-categories under the "Life in Seattle" one....
3. >. I didnt do well in the only one classroom-exam due to my stupid arrogance in consumer psychology.
I always fall asleep in forums.....-_-.....b/c I am always lost in their speedy speaches.....
I always want to go to bed early when studying on my small desk though I dont finish the required readings....-_-...
I'm still trying to find out what kind of exchage student life I really want.....but the first quarter has already passed half of it......it seems so late.......(bad!) Oh my god!
I still have some difficulties in my social relationship.......about how to be more open, active, talkative....how to maintain the connection with foreign frnds.....b/c I'm still kind of passive though I force myself to be more initiative.....
4. I'm gaining my weight due to damn but yummy snacks....why I enjoy these kinds of fat and sweet food so much....-_-
5. To sum up....it seems the key point of these problem focuses on myslef....my attitude...my personality...my social skills....my english ability......are my efforts to solve those problems all defeated by my innate self-characteristics which are hard to change after all?
- Oct 26 Wed 2005 02:20