While the weather got colder and colder in Seattle, I still can not find suitble outerwear here.
My ideal outerwear is long but a little waterproof, but those I find here are totally short!! Or there are hardly the smallest sizes left for me. -_- I regreted so much for not taking Dad's advice to bring the outerwear from TWN. After complaining towards Mom, she immediately bought me an outerwear and mailed to me. In addition to the outerwear, she even mailed me many warm sweat shirts, sweaters, and her scarf. Thus, the shipping fee of the package really cost my mom a lot.......(Sorry...)
But I was very very happy to get this package, especially when seeing my mom's words at the top of the package. Tks mom!! Thank u very much. These clothes are very useful now, hehehe.....I really should take mom and dad's suggestions when packing my luggages. -_-
But the story was not over after I received this love package......
Few days later, I got mom's letter, not an e-mail, a letter written by herself!!!! She said that it was called 信柬(!?) and was quite prevalent when she was young.
Hmmmm.........While readling her words, I just can not help myself crying. Tears just kept dropping on mom's letter.....>.
Anyways.....Thank u so much!