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Although I had a damn sleepless night yesterday, I still had to get up early for lots of check-in procedures at lots of places. (>.
Fortunately, the weather was sunny, so I felt quite comfortable and cheerful walking under the sunshine. In addition, Neil and Aidan were much more direction-sensitive than I, I totally did not have to worry about getting lost in the huge campus.
First, we came to Schmitz Hall to check in ISO (International Student Office), also I visited IP&E (International Program and Exchange) to say hello. However, Tina, the kindly staff responsible for all the exchange stuff was not there; maybe I would see and thank her another time for assisting me to solve plenty of questions and confusion previously. Outside the ISO, there were FIUTS members helping int’l students check in and introducing their upcoming orientation and activities. Aidan and I signed up for Orientation Camp on Sep 17 and 18. It seems the most important activity among the 2-week orientation. Every int’l student is encouraged to join. Therefore, although I am almost 25 (God!) and sometimes feel tired of this kind of activity which everybody has to introduce himself, play childish games, prepare for performance all the time, I signed up after all. (:p) It might be a great opportunity to know ppl, and the American-style camp might also be more interesting than those in Taiwan.

(in the HUB)
After checking in ISO and IP&E, it was nearly noon. We decided to walk to HUB (Student Union Building) for lunch. Along the way to HUB, I found that every building in UW is exactly beautiful and gigantic, except the Business School (Ha!). The newest hall in UW might be William H. Gates Hall, which is the Law School and donated by Bill Gates. Hence, the hall is named after Bill Gates’ father. Anyways, we saw so many graceful halls and took some pictures; nevertheless, I hardly remember their names and use. (-_-“) It would really take much time for me to get familiar with UW and its neighborhood.
Because the autumn quarter did not start yet, there were not many choices for lunch. I only bit one piece of pizza. Afterwards, we walked to Health Center nearby to hand in Measles immunization. And then, we found that we had to go back to Schmitz Hall to register and get our student ID cards (Husky Card). That was a long walk again (ha!). Unfortunately, I received my UW student ID card with an awful photo! (-_-“) Owing to insufficient light when taking the photo, I looked just like a Thai servant very much!!!! Now, it is really a shame to show off my U-Pass (attached on the student ID card) to bus drivers when taking buses.

(Steven Court Addition)
After completing check-in stuffs, we started to “walk” again to Steven Court Addition where Aidan would live. On the way, we passed through magnificent Suzzallo Library and gigantic statue of George Washington. Ha, compared to George Washington, the statue of Dr. C.K.S riding on the horse in NCCU is really dwarfed.

(Suzzallo Library)
(Statue of George Washington)
Anyways, rooms in Steven Court Addition are really well-equipped, including basic furniture, cable, Ethernet, and the kitchen, living room. One unit is just like a 4-bed room. I envied so much that Aidan had successfully applied for Steven Court Addition; on the contrary, I still ranked 57th on the waiting list (-_-“). Continuously, Aidan, Jimmy (who we met in Steven), and I followed Neil to look for his off-campus housing. Two apartments we visited were not good enough. Even one furnished of them was quite gruesome and ghostly, and it just seemed that drug dealers or gunrunners might hide inside.
(my dinner- Pho Chay)
During the dinner time, four of us went to the Pho-style restaurant. There are lots of Thai and Vietnamese restaurants here, also Teriyaki and Korean Food. Strangely, these restaurants might not be owned by their natives. For example, a Teriyaki restaurant might be owned by a Korean. However, these kinds of food are viewed larger and cheaper here. It is one choice for poor int’l students to eat there, and even we could bring the remain home to save another meal’s expense.
Before moving my luggage to my new place, Aidan and I went to Safeway which is the noted hyper market nearby. Of course, I felt quite excited to shop and walk around such kind of supermarket. But, something stupid happened, we forgot to apply for its membership cards; thus, we bought lots of daily commodities without any discount but still smiled happily when leaving. (-_-“)
Afterwards, it came to another big moving again. I felt quite Sorry for Aidan because he helped me once again to move my two big luggage to Michelle Apt, where my new room located. It is near the intersection of 9th Ave and 43rd St. Nevertheless, the moving is harder than the one yesterday because there are uphill paths from Allegro Apt to Michelle Apt. Aidan really did a great job to help me move.
Different from Taiwan, most houses here are unfurnished. Hence, my room was nearly empty when I moved in. Again, I could not unpack the luggage and had to sleep on the floor with my tiny sleeping bag. However, I was totally exhausted to death after moving; surprisingly, I fell asleep quickly. ^^