
20060809 (Wed)

Just bought a polo shirt for May from A&F today. 
Seriously, i enjoy going shopping for u guys as long as you like those stuffs..:)
Dont say "u r so kind to us" to me cuz it's the only thing i can do for u rite now...
U also did the same thing when u were in Van.
Thanks for always treating me like a real sister of you.
It's the feeling i've longed for since i was little. 
It doesnt mean it's bad to hv a brother.
It's just a pity to hv no sisters growing up w/ me. 
Sometimes i just want someone sharing some girl topics and secrets w/ me. 
I also like the feeling that one morning after opening the drawer, i can freely pick up either one's clothes cuz they all fit us...:)
So, u guys, dont hesitate to tell me wat u want in the U.S. 
I'll always be happy to do u any favor..:)

Also, thank u, 宜真, my cuttest and youngest cousin for treating me seasonal limited donuts sold at your store. 
Hope you really like that VC's spray...(or lotion...?! i forgot..:p)  

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