
20060815 (Tue)

Almost one yr would pass by. 
Iris (Ching-Ya) and me, two tainanese girls hv known each other and lived in this small apt since last Sep. 
Cuz iris would go back to twn at the end of Aug, we'll move out this apt soon as well....

So here comes packing again.....
I kinda hate this feeling of doing packing...
Not for it's time- and energy-consuming, Im just afraid to smell the atmosphere of leaving and saying goodbye. 
Im afraid to see boxes placed everywhere and all the rooms becoming empty again....It makes me somewhat upset...

Therefore, Im always the final one starting to pack ever since i studied in tpe and had to move every or every two yrs. 
I'd try to go home late to keep me seeing boxes all over the apt all the time...(But it doesnt work here.....:p)

But now, we hv to face not only our own packaging but moving sale!
It's even sadder to see furniture, electric appliances, or commodities we use every day attached w/ price tags now...>.
Next week, it's really time to say goodbye....
Michelle apt 101 on 4315 9th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98105....and my roommate...beautiful iris...

hmmm...being afraid enough of this disappointed feeling of packaging and moving; instead of buying a car, i'd use my savings to invest in my own home first......

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