
(Press me to view more pics!)

        This morning, Peng would drove Alice, Aidan and Neil to take the written exam of WA driver license; so I went with them to apply for the Washington State ID. The Washington State ID could help me approve the identity and age, and then I would not have to always bring my passport with me when going out late or ask to some drink. On the road, Peng told us some experiences about taking the driving exam in U.S. It’s quite easy compared to that one in Taiwan. People do not have to take private driving lessons to learn how to back a car into the parking space, the S turn, and etc. It is not necessary to remember lots of marks attached on the driving mirror, the steering wheel, and tires, either. All the requirements here are your “acting”. For example, when driving across the intersection, you need to stretch out your neck and turn it to right and left very obviously in order to show your carefulness. Ha! That’s really funny.
        In U.S, it cost money everywhere for every procedure. (-_-“) Thus, I paid $25 for my Washington State ID. However, the efficiency here is always not good as expected. I was given a temporary card first, and then the formal card would be sent to me by air mail, just like my BOA debit card. (-_-“) I wonder why Americans are used to send these important documents by mail. In Taiwan, these kinds of service can almost be done in one day, even in a few minutes!! Well……fortunately, my photo on WA State ID is much better than that one on my Husky card.

        Afterwards, we ate Thai food for lunch. The so-called “today special” was really huge. I felt worried that I might waste my money because I could not finish all. However, in U.S, it is quite interesting that you can pack your meal to home freely. Thus, the rest became my next meal, maybe the next next next next…… meal….-_-“.

(Shrimp Salad Roll)

(Today's Special)

        Though I was kind of useless towards large luggage, I still helped Aidan remove stuffs to his place in Steven Court Addition. It was also a good opportunity to skpe with Dad via UW Ethernet ^^. 
        The activity in the evening was really special for me cuz I went to Safeco Field for a live baseball game in my life! Actually, I am not so addicted to baseball; but I really want to enjoy that crazy atmosphere once in my life. In addition, Ichiro Suzuki is No. 51 of Seattle Mariner. It would definitely a shame to not join in such a live baseball game.

        Peng, Alice, and their friend had already bought tickets in advance, so Aidan, Neil, and I had to buy tickets from such called “the yellow cow (?!)” directly outside Safeco Field. Ha! Because the game nearly started, we three got the discount on tickets; $5 of each instead of its regular $7. 

        This game was “Mariner v.s. Baltimore orioles”. Actually, people here are calmer when watching baseball than those in Taiwan. They always eat a lot and chat a lot. They will only be very involved when something really exciting. In addition, there were also lots of Japanese girls wearing T-shirt printed with “Ichiro” and shouting all the time. Ha! It was quite funny to experience in a live baseball game. But everyone still worried if I felt boring…-_-. Actually, I was totally not!! Besides, there were several interesting small games and stupid performance during breaks, e.g. staffs danced foolishly with their cleaning stuffs. I just fell asleep in Peng’s car when driving to Safeco Field. (-_-)

        Finally, Mariner beat Baltimore orioles by 3:2. Ya! However, today’s best is not Ichiro; but another guy, SeXson. He really did a good job. 

        There is another interesting experience to share with u guys. At the middle of the baseball game, it started to rain. And then, a huge canopy became to move gradually to cover the whole field!! It was indeed an impressive grand sight. ^^ In addition, it was also easy for audience to look at pitchers practicing by the side.

        We left the field earlier to avoid the crowds and traffic jam. While seeing the night scenes outside Safeco Field, Peng suggested driving us to Gas Work Park ”, which is one of the three noted places to see the most beautiful night scenes in Seattle. 

(quite ambiguous....-_-, but i always think of the film "Sleepless in Seattle" when seeing such magnificant views in Seattle...)

        It was really beautiful and impressive. We could see Space Needle, the famous scenic spot in Seattle downtown from Gas Work Park. It was a pity that our digi cams could not catch such a splendid view. (-_-) And it was cold there, so we just left after half an hour. seems that I really have to try harder to get more used to the weather here.

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