At the last day b/4 the autumn quarter started, I finally had an orientation especially for MBA exchange graduate. It was my first time to see all MBA exchange graduates, abt 14(?!) ppl from TWN, Shanghai, UK, Sweden, Jap, Denmark, India, Turkey, Korea, etc. Hehe, we were quite diversified that I could hardly remember all the countries. What's more, I found myself hving hving bad memories remembering ppl's names, especially most of the pronunciation and spelling of their names were so strange for me to keep in mind. -_- This situation doesn't improve a lot while currently a quarter has passed by....(GOD!!-_-) Hence, I always say "Hi" instead of ppl's names when meeting classmates........ It's really terrible!!
Anyways, joining in this MBA exchange orientation really made me feeling better b/c I got my name tag and name card!! This name tag just reveals my identity here in UW MBA program though sometimes this "exchange graduate" is still in somewhat embarrassed status in MBA program......
Krista is the staff responsible for whole MBA exchange students. I like her very much b/c she's always so kind and patient to offer her help everytime I hv troubles and problems; no matter b/4 or after I arrive Seattle. I might be the person who mails her the most...........-_-. However, after this orientation, I also found out why I always had so many confusions b/4 arriving UW.......They forgot to mail me a guide book of being a UW MBA exchange student!! Or that important brochure might be lost halfway......After reading that guide book Krista gave me in the orientation, all questions I mailed to Krista b/4 all became very silly ones!!!!.........hmmm...so embarrassed......
During this orientation, I was quite suprised that I would be the only one exchange student staying for the whole yr. Rest of them would just stay for one quarter......It was b/c my exchange program was conducted through ISO, instead of the MBA program. Mine was just like a "university-to-university" exchange program which would last for 3 quarters, but the rest were all "department-to-department" programs. Every exchange student said that I was so lucky that I could stay for a whole year....Yes, I might be fortunate enough, but I just felt that my identity in UW MBA would be more weird than I expected. ......
written on Dec 12, 2005