Walking around seattle downtown was my first short trip!
Since I arrived Seattle on Sep 7th, I was struggling for my daily life everyday; finding a plce to live in, buying various commodities for my totally empty room, registering in UW ISO........, etc.

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learn to face the reality though it is hard.
maybe things are not so terrible as originally thought


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i really don't know what happens to me recently..
just feel depressed and impatient towards others quite often...

several times, i regrets for my manner of speaking towards mom andeno very much...
however, i just can not help myself being in that way...

maybe it is because....
the place i live in becomes more and more empty when i open thedoor every time..
the day is more and more approaching since i decide to leaveearlier..
mom and dad are always worrying and inquiring about where to livein seattle..

or maybe it is just because..........hmmm........

apparently, my recent mood hardly matches my blog's newbackground.....-_-"

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Well, i just know that i was rejected by a very cute and energetic company for summer intern..
i guess one reason is my available period; maybe the other is that  Charlotte thinks  my talent will be wasted on a petty job.

although i know it may be true, i just wnat to experience the attractive atmosphere in person through this intern.

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Several days ago, someone asked me, "are u a well-organized person?"
Being shocked at first, and then I replied this question ambiguously.


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About one week ago, the landlord came to visit weini and me and talked what changes this apartment would have in August. After that, i saw that weini was busy packing her stuff before going back Taichung, and also heard Grace describing the new apartment she and her friends found. Suddenly, i feel kind of sorrowful. 

"Everyone is really going to leave here before long," i said and sighed to weini.

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Suprisingly, one year has already passed by since we met again on that night.

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During the days waiting for the oral examination of my thesis, nearly i fool around everyday....-_-"
My life becomes even more and more skin-deep than usual coz unexpectedly i am  fascinated by cosmetics which seemed troublesome to me originally....

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Which Incredibles Character Are You?

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