Walking around seattle downtown was my first short trip!
Since I arrived Seattle on Sep 7th, I was struggling for my daily life everyday; finding a plce to live in, buying various commodities for my totally empty room, registering in UW ISO........, etc.
On the day b/4 FIUTS orientation opening day, Iris, Aidan, and I finally had a day off to walk around this city. We hanged around downtowm, Pike place market, and the pioneer square all afternoon.
Most happily, we visited the first Starbucks store near the Pike place market. Actually, this store was nothing special, but its sign was quite special and unique compared to other Starbucks stores. It was brown, not green; and the Goddness in the sign was also slightly different....hehe.....
Well, Iris and I bought an exclusive mug of this first Starbucks store. We were quite excited b/c the mug was the first thing as a souvenir, not a daily commodity for us.......:p
Being stupid visitors, we took pics everywhere in the store, and finally individually ordered a cup of coffee. Hehe....I was so lucky that the Starbucks' partner asked my name and wrote it on my cup!! Thus, I still keep this cup with me currently.
Afterwards, we strolled along the Pike Place Market, and bumped into the shop whereTom Hanks usually visited in the film, "Sleepless in Seattle". It was really cool b/c the movie was one of my favorites!!
Originally, we planned to visit Seattle Public Library b/c it was noted for its architecture and design. However, everyone was too tired to walk anymore. We just went back to U-district.
Eno, as a designer, complained to me that why I didnt visit that well-designed library!!! Hehe......I promise I would visit there one day in the winter quarter....:)