20060527 (Sat)


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20060526 (Fri)

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20060525 (Thu)

Writing sth to keep me from thinking too much.....

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20060525 (Thu)

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200605024 (Wed)

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200605023 (Tue)

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200605017 (Wed)

這星期討論Entre MKTG final project...

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20060515 (Mon)

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20060514 (Sun)

Today is Mother's day. 
I always feel strange to use "happy" or "celebrate" such words on Mother's day. 

eggwu 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


作者: 芭貝.瓦德茲基/著

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20060511 (Thu)

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20060506 (Sat)

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20060505 (Fri)

eggwu 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

after reading something incidentally, i'm kind of shocked...
maybe i've been out of control by myself for a long time but i just dont want to believe that...
hmm....mental and physical disorder....?!

eggwu 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Is that cuz i'm taking too few classes in this spring quarter and then i hv too much time becoming more sensitive to other stuffs?

Yesterday i just felt very discouraged again by some words. 

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