20060514 (Sun)
Today is Mother's day.
I always feel strange to use "happy" or "celebrate" such words on Mother's day.
Though i called mom and said "Happy mother's day" to her, I feel upset when thinking of my dearest 3rd auntie who had treated me as her daughter.
In my heart, now and forever, you always share the same importance as mom's.
I was so lucky I grew up with two moms' endless loves.
Thank you for those days.....but they were really too short for us....
But all of us can only look forward.
Let's hope grandma's getting stable...
And thanks for mom's, aunties', and uncles' efforts these days.
Today is Mother's day.
I always feel strange to use "happy" or "celebrate" such words on Mother's day.
Though i called mom and said "Happy mother's day" to her, I feel upset when thinking of my dearest 3rd auntie who had treated me as her daughter.
In my heart, now and forever, you always share the same importance as mom's.
I was so lucky I grew up with two moms' endless loves.
Thank you for those days.....but they were really too short for us....
But all of us can only look forward.
Let's hope grandma's getting stable...
And thanks for mom's, aunties', and uncles' efforts these days.