Writing sth to keep me from thinking too much.....
20060331 NBA Seattle Supersonics v.s. LA Lakers Dorm restaurant
20060402 Hanging out with Zoe, Jewel, and their friends
20060407 Int’l coffee house—ladies’ cooking night @ Charlene’s new house
20060408 First time to WholeFoods
20060408 2nd Mariners baseball game
20060409 Coffee with Debbi’s son, Chris
20060409 Dessert with Eric’s farewell party @ Capital Hill B&O
20060410 Cdge’s B-Day
20060411 Dinner with David and Michio
20060414 Triple Door—Jazz performance
20060415 Tulip Festivals
20060416 Easter Day, Ice Age 2 with Sandy; knowing Grandma in ICU
20060418 Perhaps LOVE
20060419 Volvo “Live Fast, Die Old” from MKTG 540
20060419 First visit in Melodeo
20060420 Short Trip in Seattle with Aidan and Sandy
20060420 Dinner with Courtney, Angela, and Harver
20060421 Vancouver with Oliver, Sandy, and Aidan
20060423 Got summer intern offer from Melodeo
20060425 Interview with Pivot + Levy; Phone interview with RealNetworks
20060426 Flight to Oakland; bumper into Kelly at 阿宗麵線
20060427 Silicon Valley Reception Night, meet a kind Chinese UW MBA alumnus from Yahoo!
20060428 Dinner with Joe
20060429 Jelly Belly factory, Budwiser plant, Alcatrz Trip
20060430 SF trip for Castro, City light, Haight St.
20060502 2nd phone interview with RealNetworks, Nicky Pun; 2nd visit Melodeo
20050505 UW ISO exchange gathering
20060506 Buffet with Cathy and Ru, Korean supermarket
20060508 MKTG 540 Gardenburger presentation
20060509 Daddy and Mommy’s 30th Wedding Anniversary
20060511 Book flight back to TWN
20060511 Free movie “Just my luck”—Failed!
20060512 Home meeting with Rachel
20060513 U-district Farmers market
20060514 Ballard and Broadway Farmers market
20060515 BCN closing dinner
20060516 3rd visit to Melodeo for offer letter
1L of tears
Gun shot on the Ave
20060517 Book flight back to Seattle in June 9th
20060518 Good feeling of work out at IMA, bumped into HUB event
20060518 Cirque, Happy hour bar
20060519 Bumped into Choco
Indian TG (photo with Jeff)
MBA Networking Spring party (Chat with Yan, Black Jack with Midi and Yan)
20060520 37th U-district Street Fair, Canoeing at Lake Union with Harver, K, Michael, and Pinni
20060521 Discussion of Yellowstone trip
20060522 Start to rain again, strange feeling
20060524 Trail from Montlake parking lot
20060525 the Ugly Mug
Food Network