
20060626 (Mon)
Hehe...i'd like to share a funny discovery that impresses me a lot in the U.S. :)
People here really like to wear flip flops in summer!!! It's nearly to a crazy degree, i think...-_-
Though they may be in different colors, the styles are quite similar.
And they can be founf in the campus, on the street, every everywhere!!
I've never seen so many ppl wearing flip flops in Taiwan.
People in Taiwan may wear sandals or flip flops, too.
But usually their design can vary a lot..
Sandy says..
Everyone in the U.S like to wear flip flops just cuz they r really cheap..
Well, that might be a reason. For example, u can buy 2 for $5 when there's a sale at Old Navy.
I used to hate wearing flip flops when going to school or shopping.
However, after seeing flip flops everyday everywhere in Seattle, I just come up a strong desire of wearing them, too.
Let the flip flops flip-flop all the time when i'm walking on the street!

Hence, I found this pink flip flops at the Gap oultet. :)
And then i happily wore them to downtown w/ Ginger today.
Interestingly, Ginger had her new white flip flops w/ her, too...:)

Wearing flip flops indeed made me more comfortable and leisure, especially w/ my new A&F skirt (only $12!!). :p
Well, this shouldn't be a big deal....but it's really my first time walking w/ flip flops for such a long time!
It's kinda a new experience for me. might really be a "foreign" experience for me cuz i may not do the same thing in Taiwan.
Finally, tks for recent hot weather in Seattle that i can hv my skirt and flip flops w/o any worry.
Though hot, not humid fortunatly. :)