目前分類:生鮮室-Daily Fun (52)

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和may在上班時用msn講垃圾話,是上班時的一種調劑~ ㄎ
最近討論到的垃圾話題是: 玻璃心與少女心~

eggwu 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

well...no more mini pumpkin for the coming halloween..

But i got this funny clip! yeah! :p

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eggwu 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

eggwu 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

20061106 (Mon)


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20061105 (Sun)
You might find that there is a logo ssaying "Im going PINK for Oct" on my blog these days....
yes! it all started in one morning while i was waiting the bus to the office.
I read the news headlines in front of the newspaper vending machine...and the news caught my eyes..

eggwu 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

20061104 (Sat)
很妙!在健身房突然翻到這本雜誌,西方版的20 30 40...
於是我找到以前存在NB裡的東方版20 30 40...

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20061029 (Sun)

因為現在住在farmers market附近,所以一到星期六,歐巴桑的靈魂,總是會趨著我往市場移動;每個星期逛,我也逛不煩,歐巴桑症狀已經病入膏肓了..-_-
這星期逛的時候,還意外發現,以往到冬天就結束的farmers market,今年是year-round的!!這居然讓我竊喜了起來,我猜,到明年年初離開這裡前,我大概每個星期都會到farmers market報到吧...-_-

eggwu 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

20061002 (Mon)

Every Chinese will indeed be surprised at this wat so-called "FORTUNE COOKIE" while going to the Chinese restaurants in the U.S.; because it's never seen in Taiwan or China. It's really a fresh "Chinese" experience that i'll never forget in America...:)

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20061001 (Sun)

Time for introducing my another fav snack in the U.S!!

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20060928 (Thu)

During the intern today, Jonny show me some cool stuffs.
(He always can find cool things and tools...:p)
And you can click each pic to enlarge it!

Be sure to check it out at picturetrail.com

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20060926 (Tue)

Just saw the online event....

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20060925 (Mon)

hmm....i hv decided....no matter how tiny my future place is, I'll certainly hv "Sofa Bed" and "Dish Chair". 

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20060922 (Fri)

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20060913 (Wed)

在米國,買Ben & Jerry 冰淇淋,是因為小別老師的緣故
跟Digital Media(我曾經的夢幻研究所阿!也許哪天攢了夠錢,我可以有緣讀讀它>.

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20060912 (Tue)

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20060908 (Fri)

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20060904 (Mon)

I'm a hypermarket addict. I really wanna visit as many popular ones as possible b/4 leaving the U.S.
So today, i asked Po and MingYi to goto FredMeyer w/ me.

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20060826 (Sat)

I always remember there should be a cheap indie buffet on u-way. But i just cant find the place when i wanna eat (kinda like old lady's behavior
Finally, i found the exact address on yelp.com. (my good frnd again!)

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