
20061105 (Sun)
You might find that there is a logo ssaying "Im going PINK for Oct" on my blog these days....
yes! it all started in one morning while i was waiting the bus to the office.
I read the news headlines in front of the newspaper vending machine...and the news caught my eyes..
Octobor is the month for "breast cancer awareness" globally.
If you find merchandise w/ a pink ribbon logo on it, then their owners would help you donate certain percent of the sale to the Women's Cancer Research Fund..or such related assosications.
In other words, you r supporting "the search for a CURE". And i like the slogan "The Power of a PINK PROMISE" so much.
Therefore, i decide to go hunting for those cute pink ribbon products throughout Oct as well...:p
Also as a woman, i hv bought some pink ribbon products to express my support!! :p
For the first pic w/ my BIG came from "fd's Flickr Toys" that you can make your wallpaper w/ a pink banner showing the breast cancer awareness....
And all other photos were taken in supermarkets, retail pharmacies, dept. stores, coffee shops, cosmetics stores, etc.
I really appreciate that so many companies and stores are willing to support the event together in such a big scope!!

In addition to casual brands like Lee, luxury brands such as Coach and Burberry also launch limited pink products!

Pink ad is shown on the bus as well...:) Even the UW school newspaper turns PINK as well to show their concern!
Music concerts are held for breast cancer awareness....

Websites also attach pink ribbon on their sites....

And the portal never forgets to change its logo...:p

Also you can easily send a e-card to frnds sharing this meaningful event! :)

On the biggest online auction site, you can sell or shop stuffs especially for the cause.

The pink hunting never ends cuz it's really overwhelming!!!
So i find smth even cooler on the cool photo sharing site, flickr!!
This giant pink ribbon located on the corner of 5th and Market, downtown Louisville, KY.
This is my fav!!! Love park in Philly turns pink in oct!!
Union College Schenectady, NY has its pink ribbon, making him like a cute gentlemen....:p
Pink ribbon even fly in the sky!! Delta Airlines design this special aircraft!
Hehe..guess wat?? Im so excited while discovering this pic!! Our Taipei 101 lights the pink ribbon up to support the global event!!!
Hmm....i'll never feel tired of this kind of collection cuz it let my spirit so excited and passionate all the time...:p
BTW, this is an article talking abt "Shop for the cure"....then you'll see how crazy and extensive the event is!!
And may we women be fine and healthy!!
