
20060908 (Fri)
Hehe....this might be a special cafe tour different from my previous posts. :p
After 10 weeks, im kinda tired of the coffee in my intern company. But i still like to hv coffee everyday.
So what Kuang-Wei showed to me during the Yellowstone trip just came to my mind......

While traveling, we always cant get good coffee, especially coffee in visitor centers and gas stations' food courts is really terrible.
But sometimes we just wanna hv a cup of coffee to keep us awake or warm.
Therefore, here comes up a simple solution for us to still enjoy some "OK" coffee under this circumstances:
Help yourself to fill the cup w/ half HOT CHOCOLATE and half COFFEE!!
Then you can spend little money but still enjoy a very OK even nice coffee while traveling!
The mix tastes really good, just like Mocha. :)
So i bring the instant hot chocolate from home and mix it w/ coffee in the company today...
Yeah!! I finally get a new flavor and nice smell!!

Hmm....a really simple and cheap way to enjoy nice coffee at home, in the office, or during travel.....
