
20060806 (Sun)
Today is really a day of WAITING!
Kinda specail cuz i hv not done so many waitings in one day for a long time..:p
Hehe, the last time should be the Aichi Expo w/ May, almost 1 year ago!
As i mentioned in the previous post, i waited for 30 mins for a yummy oatmeal breakfast.
Afterwards, i still decided to goto watch the air show "Blue Angels", the most famous event of Seafair.
It's said flying every year since 1972, the U.S. Navy Blue Angels continue to serve as positive role models and goodwill ambassadors for the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps.
After all, i've joined in so many Seafair's festivals; missing the most popular and the last show might be a pity for me.
So, just went there alone cuz many frnds had been there on fri or sat.
Genesee Park, where the air show performed was kinda far from u-district.
i had to take bus to downtown first and then made a transfer.
However, the crowed traffic delayed bus #39 to Genesee Park for almost 45 mins!
Just when everyone doubted if #39 would stop by this bus stop, the bus finally appeared!
Okay, due to the traffic jam to Genesee Park, there is another 1-hr drive to the destination.

Hmm...since i dont wanna spend 25 bucks for admission fee, i choose to stand outside a little bit.
No matter free or pay required areas, there were filled w/ ppl.
Some ppl living nearby even climbed up their roofs to get a better view which i only saw it on TV.
>.Blue Angels' show lasted for abt one hour.
Sometimes i just lay on the grass cuz it's kinda tiring to raise the head seeing planes all the time.
And after all, the free view wasnt so well than Blue Angels couldnt been seen clearly, especially when there was only one flying by.
If i took the advice from (hehe...yelp again..:p) to goto another park at Bellevue, it might be nicer.
And of course, the traffic would be smoother a lot as well!
Due to the limited view, i had to say the show was soso cuz Blue Angels were always too small to make me satisfied.
Hehe..but on fri while i went for an interview on 41F, i saw Blue Angels just flying by the company's windows!
They were so clear!!!! and HUGE, of course. :p Thus i was distracted for a while...:p
But in terms of the Blue Angels' show and the Seafair, there's nothing left to regret.
However, i felt upset after the show cuz it's the last event of Seafair which had lasted for more than one month.
It seems the summer in Seattle has already passed half....

Needlyless to say...
There is another 1-hr waiting for the bus and another 1-hr drive to take me back to downtown....
Fortunately, i had my ipod w/ me...

In the evening, i invited Chiaki and Yen to goto GreenLake park cuz there's a lantern floating ceremony at nite.
Imagining it would be a very beautiful scene, i still wanna go for a look despite certain national consciousness.
Surprisingly, there's not much walk between the bus stop to the ceremony location...
So we arrived there quite early which meant another WAITING abt 3 hrs until the sky got dark around 9pm..:p
Feel kinda sorry for Chiaki and Yen.
But the scene (the pic below) turned out to be exactly beautiful!
A golden string floating on Green Lake.
Hope all the wishes written on lanterns come true eventually!
We three also did the laterns. Chiaki's is "dream"; Yen's is "well-being" and "health"; and mine is "ambition"...(hehe...cuz "dream" was already written by Chiaki.)
And embarrassingly, mine wasnt like calligraphy at all. It's totally POP font..:p (so cubic)
It was really a wonderful nite to hand out w/ Chiaki and Yen though it's a day full of waiting.
Our next plan is going to Dim-Sum at downtown..

Well, aftere seeing lanterns floating on the lake, i hope i can also see lanterns flying in the sky at 平溪 some day when going back to twn.
