
20060801 (Tue)

After the Bar exam, Wellmore is going back to twn tonite. 
His sweet host famliy, Gail and Lloyd, invited some of his frnds to his last party in Seattle. 
I feel so touching that Gail and Lloyd still remember me and invite me!
It should be my second time to meet w/ wellmore's host family. 
The first one was the Halloween party last november......:p
They r really super super nice and kind!

I enjoy the warm atmosphere in wellmore's host family very very much.
They treat him and another roommate, Kazuyo, just like their son and daughter. 
They always look like a real family!
So Gail, Lloyd, and Kazoyo spend lots efforts on preparing the final party for wellmore. 
In the pic, those r all of their gifts for wellmore. 
Every present has its own specail meaning. 
Golf book, Seattle Best Coffee beans, UW napkins, lotion for wrinkle protection, Wellmore's portrait Kazuyo particularly asked her frnd to draw....and the card written by themselves, of course!

In the very last, they three sing a song "Home, home, Taipei" adapted from an old english song to show their best wishes for Wellmore and his family in twn. 
Not only Wellmore and his host family, i burst into tears as well..(a symptom of getting older...-_-)
That melody still stay in my mind after i arrive home. 
Tonite, i might fall asleep w/ humming the song....:p

Well, this is really a warm party i hv ever join in. 
Best wishes and thanks for wellmore, Gail, Lloyd, and Kazuyo. 
ANd thank you for teaching me making good use of my time in seattle.
Hope we can get together again some time. :)
And Wellmore has to wear the Mariners' hat Sean (souvenir from Police officier me) next time if we meet in taipei..:p 

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