
20060730 (Sun)
Believe me!
Its brand name is "I cant believe it's not butter".
Very easy to understand, rite?! :)
I love shopping in supermarkets in the U.S cuz there r always lots of interesting stuffs.
Hehe....maybe it's a paradise for girls who r always caring abt their weights.
Strange enough, everything can be made into "Fat Free " and "Suger Free" that contains less calories inside.
Like this butter (well, it's "I cant believe it's not Butter actually....-_-), there is no calorie! tasts just like the real BUTTER!! And of course, excellent butter smell after bread is toasted!
Spread the "fake" butter w/ the salad is a good combination as well!
Hehe.....but over-weighted ppl can still be seen anywhere in the U.S.
Well, maybe they dont like such fake stuffs. :p
But it has been in my must-miss list as well..:p