
20060806 (Sun)

After hving a nice nite at Trabant Chai Lounge, I still wanna treat myself good this sunday morning. 
Probably it's also cuz i dont wanna see that Trader Joe's bread again, it would remind me how much bread i hv eaten recently. 
I just cant stand seeing bread lying in front of me....
Well, but going to the restaurant for breakfast just ended up eating much more stuffs...-_-
Im really weird, i know. 

Reviewing again, I found Portage Bay cafe near my place. 
It's just located on 42nd st and Roosevelt way which is rite across Sandy's apt. 
Sandy suggested the Portage Bay cafe to me previously, but i hv not had a chance to gv it a try...

Reviews on were really to the point!
When i arrived there abt 10am, there were already lots of ppl waiting outside of the cafe!
Portage Bay cafe is really really famous. 

I hesitated for a while whether gv it up and went back to hv my lovely bread again cuz it's only a 5-min walk. 
But i just dunno when would be the next time i make up my decision to go here. 
So.....I stayed and stupidly joined the waiting line....

Luckily, since I was only 1 person, it only took me abt 30 mins to hv a seat. 
Or those who came w/ 3 above ppl would usually wait for at least 45 mins! hehehe

Based on yelpers' review, i ordered "Soy Chai Oatmeal". (see the following pic)
Its menu focuses on creative and organic dishes.
Well well well....i know it looks like sth for the senior ppl again.  Okay, my 60-yr-old mind is imprisoned in a 20-yr-old-looking body...:p
BUT!!!! Soymilk, Chai flavor, and OATMEAL r really wat i love very much!
Anyways, for those who hate such diet for old ppl, the series of omelette r strongly recommended. :)
In addition to your main dish, there is a breakfast bar full of whipped butter, whipped cream and organic fruits to choose from. 
You can make ur breakfast more delicious easily!

During the summer when UW is out of session, they would open the deck area. 
Luckily, I was sitting this area today! 
With the nice sunny weather, it has a bright and open atmosphere. 
Look across the street is just Sandy's place..:)

Though it cost me above 10 bucks (plus coffee, tax, and tips), it's really worth!  
Im glad to hv such a nice and quality (well, it's already high-class for me...:p) breakfast just near my apt where i'll move out soon...

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