
20060805 (Sat)
Though my stomachahce is gone when i get up this morning.
Somehow, cuz of some words, i feel kinda blue.
Lying on the quad, seeing some tiny jets flying by...
Working out at IMA and sweating a lot finally make me better.
Dont wanna go home early that i goto Trabant Chai Lounge on 45th st. and U-way in the late afternoon.
This should be my second time to be here. Last time i was here w/ Courtney, Liza, and Angela in a very cold winter.
Thanks to the recommendation for the yelp. com, today i hv iced Chai w/ green tea.
Wow!! i love it! excellent combination!

Sitting beside the window though there's not a nice view on the ave.

Almost everyone in the cafe is just quietly surfing the internet.
Hehehe...probably lonely ppl like me...:p
There r also two Macs for customer use anytime! Sweet!
One reason i like to visit different cafes in Seattle is that they always hv their own specialized styles.
There is no need being a loyal cutomer of a specific cafe here, i think. :)
At Sat nite, there r live performances!!
How lucky i am!

There r three shows tonite.
The first girl even comes from Portland!
The man in the mid pic and the man (right) in the right pic r father and son...:p
Kinda interesting that they all amateur live performers.
And the son is going to the law skool soon!
All in all, I like the third performance best. :)
Therefore, I stay in the cafe lounge from 6 to 11pm..:)
My mood is better a lot thanks to this cute small lounge.
Keep discovering special cafes here!!!