
it has been lots of fun to be with my two cousins, emi and may, since my childhood.

i'm really really happy that we finally get together again cuz we have not seen one another for almost one and a half years. 

when being with u two guys, everything becomes quite interesting!!
i usually laugh at something which originally seems boring.
being with u is also the time when i laugh most during one year, i guess..
besides, it is very good to have someone sharing girls' topics with me

my mom asks me why i often like to wear ur clothes when u come back TWN.
" u already have lot of clothes of ur own," mom says.
however, wearing ur clothes always makes me feel that we're real blood sisters cuz my high shcool classmates said that they share clothes and shoes with their sisters.
therefore, plz forget me for wearing ur clothes so often lo.......

really really hope that one day.....
we can live together, and emi drives us to work and play(no longer wait for BUS 620 -_-)
and..........we can all work in emi's restaurant when collecting enough money....hehehehehehe^^

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