
20060817 (Thu)
Hmm....Carra, Sean, and Brian had finished their intern here.
Sarah was absent these days due to sickness.
And Jonny just disappeared today...
It ended up that only Jon and me were in the intern team today......>.Besides, we already had the weekly all-hands meeting on Tue.
So....i hv to's really boring....
Kept reachinig out podcasters on the site was sometimes too routine and tedious.
I felt less energetic today that i definitely hv to go for a walk at noon.
Guess wat? It's Yelp time again!!

Based on the recommendation, I chose a soup store rite across our company in US Bank City Centre Building (5th Ave. & Pike Street)
It's called "Soups", and its slogan is "Northwest's Finest Gourmet Soups"...:p

I ordered today's special "Harvest Mushroom Bisque" (12 oz). fav mushroom and 50 cents off!!!
It would also come together w/ my another fav...."bread" and some oyster cookies!!
Wat a nice combination!!!
Hmm...however, im kinda disappointed cuz the soup was too salty for me...(maybe i already get used to light flavor.....)
In addition, i found the clerk forgot to offer me 50 cents discount...!!
So it's abt 5.50 bucks for my lunch...kinda! sum, i'd say..though the soup is claimed to be hearty savory; for me, the price isnt worth of wat i got..

Well...but being in the exotic country, everything is always worthy for a try! :)
Maybe next time i hv enough extra money, i'll try different items again!
store website: