
20060825 (Fri)

Shinka Tea Co. is located on the University way (near to 50th ave.)
Now it's really close to my new place.

My first time to be here is in a very HOT summer morning in July, which is quite rare in Seattle.
The store is so cozy cuz it's air-conditioned...:p
And since it was a weekend morning, it was so quiet!!
I felt so relaxed staying in the store and surfed the Internet.

Though i might get good discount for the bubble tea in another store nearby cuz my frnd is working PT there, i prefer bubble tea at Shinka a lot more!!!

My favorite beverage here is Matcha Milktea w/ SMALL tapioca.
It's really difficult to find small tapioca offered in seattle.... (or it's cuz i hv not tried lots of bubble tea shops here...?!)
Anyways, SMALL tapioca is my fav....:) and my mom's fav as well. (This might be the main reason i like ordering small perals..:p)

By the way, after i visit Shinka, i just know it's also the place Chiaki and Po like to stay in. 
Chiaki even said her frnd would come to Shika to find her easily even w/o any call first. :p
She's really a loyal Shinka fan. :)

The owner of Shinka is Benny Tsai, a UW alumnus from Taiwan!
No wonder he know the VALUE of SMALL tapioca.....hehehe...

A really nice and chill study place, especially in the summer!
Delicate interior design. It has the style of tea shop in Taichung, like 春水堂.
Someone complains the seats r so too limited, but i disagree. 
More seats would only become more noisy.
Too much noise and gossip would just ruin the fine atmosphere.

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