
20060816 (Wed)

Wat a surprise!!
Kevin asked me to played w/ his kickball team today!
Some of his co-workers formed a kickball team and play games every wed. at the Lower Woodlands near GreenLake. 
Since there wasnt enough girls (usually 6 malels and 4 females in a team), he asked me if i can join in this week.
Of course! I wanna join in!! (though the O.S "God!! Im a sport idiot" kept repeating in my heart )
Hehe....I hv not played kickball (should be called 足壘球) since i graduated from elementary skool....
It's kinda a popular sports at that time....And i remembered my glass was broken once in one game......:p

The pic above is Kevin's team! (The left 2 is Kevin, and the left 3 is Christine)
They did play very well though it's just their 2nd game. 
The score was 12:2 that we won!!

Well....originally, we were possibly to make the opponent ended up w/ zero!!
But it was my fault.....
Being a catcher, i lost the ball......
My thoughts went blank and my body become clumsy when someone passed the ball to me....
And since most of the time, we would keep the opponent players running to the 3rd base, so my role as a catcher was quite easy...
Thus, i was totally shock and blunt when seeing someone running from 3rd base to the home base......

But they were so kind that they comforted me if that's not me, they wont be able to hv enough girls to play the game.... 
So touching!!!

Hehe..playing kickball really made me think of my elementary skool's life....
those crazy and noisy classmates who didnt wear the uniforms all the time....
and the crazy teacher who enjoyed shouting unexpectedly...

And afterwards, we went to a small bar to hv some drinks. (yes!! no need to dance this time!)
Actually, i kinda like this sort of relaxing atmosphhere as long as no dance and no too loud music that i hv to shout all the time...:p

Thanks Kevin and Christine again for treating me the beer
Also surprisingly, i had tasty beer this time!!!
See the left pic below, it's dry pear beer, Wyder's from Canada..
The other (rite), Rainier beer, which Kevin ordered. I tried a little bit as well...
Cool!! It's just the rite taste i want. Not bitter; not too much like kid's flavor... (everytime i was told even it comes the beer or wine, i still drink something like kid's. )
Okay, then next time, Rainier beer would be my choice....:)

Hmm...but i was still too inexperienced.....i felt dizzy after coming home. 
But somehow i kinda feel high that i went to bed quite late.....:p's a specail weekday to remember cuz i had so much fun!!

Source of pic:
(Pear beer)
(Rainier Beer)

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