
20060728 (Fri)
Like i mentioned in previous post, recently my fav local community website is
All info there r provided by consumers themselves.
Besides food info, a wide range like hair salon, fest info could be found there!
I really enjoy viewing what ppl feel abt Seattle in every aspect.
Therefore, today i went to try this Thai veggie buffet which got lots of positive reviews on yelp.
It just locates on 45th st and 11th ave, NE; very close to my place.
Actually i hv known this restaurant for a long time. But I met a strange guy before, and he said his aunt is the owner of this restaurant.
Thus cuz of the weird impressino i had on that guy, i was kinda hesitated to walk in this restaurant......:p
But thanks for Yelp, it's really a good place.
I love veggie; love Thai. And it's a CHEAP BUFFET which should fit my bad eating habit of "一口蛋"!
Try many diverse stuffs w/ only one bite! Hehe...
Phad Thai, curry, Thai salad were tasty! And i really love the brown rice there!!!
I should love the dessert (the rite one like 紫米粥) as well, but it's too sweet for me. (After all, it's in the U.S...-_-)

Price here is reasonable. $7 before tax, and u can hv lunch buffet until 3:30pm. :)
Thanks, Yelp!
Keep discovering fun places to go in Seattle. :)