
20060724 (Mon)

As a PT intern, I only go to the office from Tue to Thu. -_-"
Since today is still hot, and I dont wanna end up my day with lying on the bed and watching Japanese dramas, i decide to go to the cafe. "World Cup" is my choice today. 
It's near my place, on Roosevlet way and 52nd st. 
I pick this one cuz they offer free wifi, outlets, and simple meals.  But surprisingly, there is AC as well!
Apparently, it'll be a good choice in summer here. 

It's my first time visiting here, but i love it right away. 
Cuz it's not close to the Ave (u-way), there are less students and the youth. 
It's  quieter. 
The interior design makes me comfortable as well.
Deep red gives elegant feelings. 

Therefore, with a cup of iced coffee and sandwich, I stay here for abt 4 hrs...:p
write some blogs, upload some pics, and.......send viral mkt mails to promote melodeo...-_-
Don't hate friends.... I'm just doing my job..

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