
20060723 (Sun)

This weekend is extremely HOT HOT HOT!
Though i know it's more hotter in Taiwan, I dont feel much better here.
W/o screen windows, i always hesitate to open the windows. And there is no fan in my room. 
I'm always sweating in my place!!!

However, i enjoy this weekend very much!
On Sat, Inin invited me to go hiking w/ her and her frnds!
Inin is a really nice girl that i know her in the UW MBA program. 
She's from Indonesia but has studies in Singapore for a long time. So she speaks quite good mandarin. 
But I didnt expect her being able to speak mandarin, i was totally shocked when she talked w/ me in mandarin first time. :p

In addition to those disgusting insects around us in the beginning and some noisy girls singing the same song all the time, the hiking is fun and...of course, healthy for me; especially when i feel tight when wearing pants recently...-_-"

The fall is called "Bridal falls" located north. After arriving Bridal falls, there are still two more miles to get to a lake called "Lake Serene".
But Inin and Jeff said they were too tired to go any further. time lo..:)

Today Sunday, Po comes back from Taiwan but would fly to London for his another trip tomorrow. 
I met Po and Chiaki at Shinka Tea first. 
Thanks God. Shinka is so cool and they provide nice green milk tea w/ "samll" tapioca. 
We chatted a lot though it's  kinda nonsense...:p
And while Chiaki knew that my idol in my teens age was 加勢大周, she laughed for a long long time.....-_-
I told her I had bought his small photo to put it in my wallet. She laughed even loudly!!
Sigh, but 加勢大周 used to be quite handsome in his twenties.

Then we walked to Po's studio and kept chatting again. 
His place was so cool that we just didnt wanna move anymore. 
At night, we went to Kiku to hv dinner. Bei joined us this time. 
Hehehe..surprising, Po became somewhat shy being the only male around the table. 
Finally, we visited Chiaki's and my place...and of course, keep chatting again and discussed what places to go b/4 leaving Seattle.
Well, that's a really nice night though the weather is so HOT...
Really hope that we all can hv more fun b/4 Chiaki and me go back to Japan and Taiwan at the end of this yr. 

Also, Po, have a pleasant journey in Euro and N.Y; Chiaki, good luck on ur thesis; Bei, good luck on ur house hunting! :)

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