目前分類:儲藏室-Memories (57)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要
發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2010-04-20 2010/04/20 又是值得記上一筆的一天 (171) (3)
2010-02-09 Flower (208) (0)
2009-11-30 Happy Birthday, by Shadya (42) (0)
2009-11-03 Birthday (70) (0)
2009-04-20 聖功50問 (286) (1)
2008-11-03 there might never be enough thanks (64) (0)
2008-10-11 Thanks! You are my person. (112) (1)
2007-12-12 that time (49) (0)
2007-11-03 11/3 今天 只聽劉若英 (53) (0)
2007-05-23 Almost Over You (415) (0)
2007-03-20 2007,一個不同卻又似曾相似的中國新年 (263) (0)
2007-03-12 some day (300) (0)
2007-02-11 回台南騎ㄅㄨㄅㄨ有感 (176) (0)
2007-02-11 @Seattle-20070108 (Mon) Bye, Seattle! (3) (337) (0)
2007-02-10 @Seattle-20070108 (Mon) Bye, Seattle! (2) (273) (0)
2007-01-31 [偷心得] 你懂我懂的生日快樂 (293) (0)
2007-01-30 是故事也是生命的「生日快樂」 (175) (0)
2007-01-29 @Seattle-20070108 (Mon) Bye, Seattle! (386) (0)
2006-11-03 @Seattle-20061103 (Fri) '06 B-day Thanks & Wishes (191) (1)
2006-11-03 @Seattle-20061103 (Fri) B-day Theme Song- FLYING by Rene (222) (4)
2006-11-01 @Seattle-20061101 (Wed) 蛋爹高興飛上天之恭喜米老哥 (100) (3)
2006-10-28 @Seattle-20061028 (Sat) So long, my dear Husky.. (102) (4)
2006-10-18 @Seattle-20061018 (Wed) 文言文一對寶之蛋爹和蛋娘! (134) (8)
2006-10-18 @Seattle-20061018 (Wed) 蛋說無坊@the Front Page! (80) (2)
2006-10-17 @Seattle-20061017 (Tue) 蛋間煉獄之財務管理 (80) (2)
2006-10-04 @Seattle-20061004 (Wed) My new place in Seattle (104) (0)
2006-09-22 20060922 (Fri) 十年的高一儉,永遠的高三儉 (76) (0)
2006-09-20 @Seattle-20060920 (Wed) Auntie's B-day (48) (1)
2006-09-07 @Seattle-20060907 (Thu) 不要哭,她會捨不得我們 (60) (1)
2006-06-10 @Taipei-20060610 (Sat) Good for you! ID designer Eno! (81) (2)
2006-06-06 @Taipei-20060606 (Tue) Bye with the old rocking chair as well (66) (0)
2006-06-03 @Taipei-20060603 (Sat) A day to remeber...Last journey with A-ma (66) (0)
2006-05-27 @Seattle- 20060527 (Sat) Mood for listening to Love Parade (37) (0)
2006-05-26 密碼文章 @Seattle- 20060526 (Fri) 原來我是會心痛的 (3) (0)
2006-05-25 @Seattle-200605025 (Thu) Fly away (47) (0)
2006-05-24 @Seattle-20060524 (Wed) いま、会いにゆきます (48) (0)
2006-05-14 @Seattle-20060514 (Sun) Mother's Day (122) (0)
2006-04-13 @Seattle-200604013 (Thu) Easter Day is coming! (59) (0)
2006-03-07 @Seattle-20060307 (Tue) One thousand times (42) (0)
2006-01-05 @Seattle-[偷blog]whom do u wanna go with? (59) (1)
2005-12-10 @Seattle-Thank u (52) (0)
2005-12-07 @Seattle-Farewell! Shin Kong Observatory.... (109) (0)
2005-12-01 @Seattle-these yrs....rene and me.... (162) (1)
2005-11-03 @Seattle-still wanna make wished at the last min (85) (1)
2005-10-12 [My Love] "I Still Remember" in Fish Leong's Album 2005~~ (58) (1)
2005-07-28 20050716 new photos uploaded! (46) (0)
2005-07-11 Kind of sorrowful (152) (3)
2005-06-16 18 springs (45) (0)
2005-06-05 小奈米去蛋啾千之後後後後記 (38) (0)
2005-05-30 nice trip belonged only to mom and dad (41) (0)
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