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20061006 (Fri)

Last mid-autumn festival, i was in the FIUTS camping, excited abt every exotic stuff.
This yr, i feel calm and somewhat sorrowful; especially after clearly recognizing my powerlessness and deciding heading back to TWN to keep trying my career dream.

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20061005 (Thu)
上面的照片,是從一個小會議室往外拍的,除了可以看見downtown,還可以看見更外圍的Puget Sound (普結灣),view超好!!

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20061004 (Wed)

Well..that roof the arrow points to is where i live since Sep 1st. And cuz i live on the 3rd floor, so below the roof is exactly my room. If your eyesight is good enough, you probably could see part of my window in this pic...:p
This is an Amerian old-fashion; wooden house which is a lot different from my previous apt.

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20061003 (Tue)

提到了一個點子,除了讓訪客體驗podcast的default playlist和會員自己訂定的playlist,

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20061002 (Mon)

Every Chinese will indeed be surprised at this wat so-called "FORTUNE COOKIE" while going to the Chinese restaurants in the U.S.; because it's never seen in Taiwan or China. It's really a fresh "Chinese" experience that i'll never forget in America...:)

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20061001 (Sun)

Time for introducing my another fav snack in the U.S!!

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20060930 (Sat)

九月最後一天,本想說,就算找不到玩伴,今天也一定要衝去坐Alki beach最後一天的water taxi...

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對你有感覺  by江美琪 光良
曲:光良  詞:許世昌、陳歆淇


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20060928 (Thu)


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20060928 (Thu)

During the intern today, Jonny show me some cool stuffs.
(He always can find cool things and tools...:p)
And you can click each pic to enlarge it!

Be sure to check it out at

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20060926 (Tue)

Just saw the online event....

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20060925 (Mon)

hmm....i hv matter how tiny my future place is, I'll certainly hv "Sofa Bed" and "Dish Chair". 

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20060922 (Fri)

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20060921 (Thu)

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