i got up early again today...not only cuz im still nervous abt my new job, but cuz im aware that it's some day today as well.
we just mentioned you yesterday; recalling that how you stopped me doing stupid stuffs in the Science Museum.
every time we think of you; they are all sweet memories, but they are too short.
every time we talk abt your funny stories; we all smile, but there is always sadness inside our hearts.
life keeps going on.
May all your blessings are around my lovely future neighbors all the time, i know you will.
Also, i may not good at giving comforts, but i'll always gv all my supports to them.
Just for fun, but some questions r too hard to hv a very exactly answer....
And the result is really an overwhelming compliment for me....-_-"
But it's so true that "underwriter" will never fit me....NEVER!! :p
Actually it's almost the end of Jan. now. I've been back in TWN for 3 weeks.
Laziness is really my most horrible enemy. But it's indeed time to write smth abt my last month in Seattle and the U.S..
Really unforgettable memories; endless thanks to many frnds i had met there..
Im lucky..
謝謝Po先生,不辭辛勞地送機接機,並先提供我NY Subway and bus Map...讓我在第一天從機場到英格利邱小姐住處時,少了分迷路的恐懼... 謝謝第一天公車上的黑人先生,慷慨貢獻了身上的零錢,替我解圍...(我哪知道公車不能用紙鈔,只能用硬幣阿...>.<)