
20060921 (Thu)

This morning Jonny and I had a short discussion abt what we might be helpful in next steps. 
During the meeting, Dave shared this news w/ us. 

Same issue; Different perspectives

YouTube has become a very hot video web site where users like to upload lots of video from main lables but w/o their permission. 

Facing the same probelms, two primary labels, Warner and Universal hold extremely diverse attitudes. 

Warner Music decides to sign a deal w/ YouTube that YouTube will hv its first legal music videos. 
W/ the prevalence of digital media and entertainment, Warner holds a very positive attitude to distribute and license its copyrighted songs and other material through online. Besides videos, Warner will also provide behind-the-scenes footage and other original programming.

On the other side, Universal Music chooses to pressure against YouTube and MySpace by accusing them of infringing copyrights of its music videos. Its CEO strongly claimed that such sites owe them tens of millions of dollars. 

Well.....the story makes me think of what Zoe had said to me. 
Facing the prevalence of MP3 and difficulties of selling traditional CDs; instead of blame and complaints, her boss Samuel is always holding a very positive attitude to consider how to make the music and entertainment industry successfully migrate to the Internet and digital music.

It's so so so great that she can work w/ such a visionary boss. 
Everytime i chat w/ her, listen to her stories and thoughts, i feel my dream career becoming promising again!

Hmm....and really hope that one day i could be lucky enough to work and learn from the such excellent boss!!

Always best wished on your coming album!!

More related news to find out:,0,5976746.story

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