
20060726 (Wed)

Since Chiaki and I both wanna do more meaningful stuffs and create more special memories before we leave Seattle at the end of the yr, I decide to invite Chiaki to goto this summer concert held in U-village every Wed. 
But....what appeals me most is not the music itself; instead, it's the FOOD!
Spend only $4 to enjoy the gourmet from u-village's restaurants! Should be a NICE deal!

However, I'm too simple apparently....-_-
It's not "all u can eat" for $4. 
The fact is.....the most expensive food there is $4, and u hv to pay everything u wanna eat. 
But in such an event, the food is always only a little.....
So instead of hving hot dog buns and hambergurs, i'd rather spend the same money on Jamba Juice. 
Chiaki and I both order "Matcha Green Tea Blast". 
So tasty! it's matcha green tea powder blended w/ soymilk, nonfat frozen yogurt, sorbet, and ice. 
It's really a good combination of green tea and soymilk!!

Hmm....cuz Chiaki and i r not the expert in Bands. 
So we just found this event ok....-_- (sorry....Chiaki, i'll find sth more interesting next time.)
But it's still good to see so many families hving dinner together w/ music, even it's a weekday!

Finally, we went to the more high-class Safeway at u-village cuz we drive Po's car. 

I hv to say...the best of today are.......(將將將將..)
 "Matcha Green Tea Blast" in Jumba Juice and "Seadless Grapes in Safeway" cuz they r $10/10 pounds!"

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