
20060818 (Fri)

I hv longed for visiting this store for a long time since this Apr, the Easter day, actually... such an idiot who wanna go shopping on Easter Day, but all the stores are closed on Easter Day.
I ended up w/ window shopping........-_-"
Afterwards, im always too lazy to take the bus again to Bellevue....

So, 4 months later, here i am again at Bellevue. 
Dunno why, Bellevue Square Mall became less appealing to me...I didnt find anything i wanna buy there...>.
However, i visisted the The Container Store finally. 
This is a storage and organization store, so you can find various sorts of boxes and containers here. 
For kitchen, bath, laundry, closet, office, travel, etc...
The main reason i like it is its products r so so so coloful!!
Thus the colorful and brilliant layout create an energetic feeling which makes me very delighted...

Though i didnt hv to buy anything for the approaching move, i still stayed in the store for more than one hr....:p
Most of the time, I was trying to control myself not doing impulsive shopping..

Since IKEA is very far away from seattle, The Container Store is a nice substitute for me to some degree while i wanna walk around this  kind of lifestyle store....:p

The following is the link of its website....

But I still hv to admit that...i do miss my MUJI, the real lifestyle store to gv ppl a better life!! 
It's always the No 1!!! Ichibon!!

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