(UW Biz School)
Hmm....sorry for my laziness...>.Well, let's just start from the first week of autumn quarter......
Sep 28, 2005 was the first day of class, but there were already many interesting events held on Monday and Tuesday to welcome new UW students.
I joined some of them, such as speeches, and workshops; also grabbed free food for lunch..:p
Maybe b/c of these welcome events made me very delightful, so I didnt feel nervous about the upcoming classes until Wednesday morning.......-_-
My first class is IBUS 579, "the Perspective of Int'l Business".
The courses were composed by cass discussions and guest speakers. And the instructor, Allen, is the editor in 麥肯錫. Unfortunatly, my email was wrong on the mailing list. So I didnt get any msg telling us to buy the course pac and prepare the first case in advance. Thus, I was totally lost in the class. TOTALLY! I even dont know opium means "鴉片". I felt frustrated and embarrassed while the other TWN classmate told me that the "Opium War" is the main topic discussed in those 2 hours. ......-_- In addition, Allen mentioned that the participation in class would be a very important part when he evaluates each one's grade. Hence, it seemed I really hv to work hard to prepare every case and find opportunties to answer the "simplest" questions and express the most superficial thoughts compared to those suggested by other classmates who were already quite experienced. -_-.....I was just like a 3-yr-old kingdergarden kid in this course.....-_-
On Thursday, my second course was MKTG 512 "Consumer Psychology and Brand Management". I felt much better in this class b/c the topic was more familiar for me. At least, I could catch professor's points. But this kind of "familiarity" and "self-confidence" also lead to my failure to the mid-exam.....-_-. Also I formed a team with Aidan and other two Americans, Ben and Kieth. Because of getting along with Taiwaneses too long since I arrived Seattle, I was quite looking forward talking, even working with foreigners. ^^ Well, for I'm not a good student here, so MKTG 512 might be the toughest one in my course schedule, especially compared to those of Aidan, Sandy, and Neil. :p
In the afternoon came my third course, MGMT 545 "Leading High Performance Organization". I decided to take this course just b/c it was said the most easiest one without pressure and heavy loading. And it really was! The fatty professor looked so kind, and he only spent 30 mins explaining the syllabus. Class was dismissed! Ha, such a happy class. ^^
I only had three classed in the first week. I also audited in other two classes; which related to digital and mass media. Actually, originally I hv enrolled in one of them; but it seemed that I couldnt handle the assignments for I still hv to take courses in Biz school. Hence I planned only to audit these courses b/c they r new to me and just what i wanna learn. But....hmmmm....things were not always so perfect as we originally expected.......-_-