
I got a UBS Cafe's coupon during the Thanksgiving big sale @ University Book Store. Thus, I went UBS cafe to hv a free coffee for my first time. Surprisingly, it just mada me beginning to luv this lovely place!!

There are not only free wifi but also plugs for customers to use in UBS cafe. Coffee here is tasty as well though. Thus, now I like to spend my leisure time here studying, surfing the Internet, and writing my blog. It makes me feel happier than staying in Foster Lib.... or at home (b/c my room is colder...). The longest record I stayed in UBS cafe was 6 hrs b/4 the Thanksgiving. Hehe......

Well, I still luv Starbuck, and I even hv bought two cute Starbucks cards. However, though there is also free Seattle wifi, I couldn't find plugs in Starbucks.....>.

Hehe, I'm in UBS cafe now again, waiting YiChin to visit me in Seattle. Wow!!! I luv that coffee aroma filled with my clothes when walking out of UBS cafe.  Believe it or not, it will make me cheerful all day long!

written on Dec 12, 2005

    創作者 eggwu 的頭像


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