
sep14  seattle downtown trip
sep15 FIUTS orientation opening day
sep17-18  FIUTS cedar camping
sep21 Alki beach
sep24  u-district farmer's market
sep25  boat cruise
sep26 space needle
sep27 MBA exchange orientation
oct 1  premium outlet
oct 8  leavenwearth   
oct 11  first presentation
oct 16 greenlake park
oct 21  Halloween carving
oct 22  Husky and Trojan(USC)
oct 23  Snoqualmie Fall
oct 28  Halloween TG
oct 29  B&G Auction volunteer
oct 30  Mt Rainer
oct 31 Halloween party @ wellmore's host family
nov 2  B-day party with eng tutoring
nov 3  B-day lunch with aidan and sandy
nov 4  BCN project match-up with william, jaron and sheetal
nov 5  MBA fall party
nov 6  first movie in seattle
nov 7  mentor program briefing
nov 8  discussion leader
nov 9  potluck with eng tutor
nov 10  reception nite at allan's home
nov 11  thanks giving potluck
nov 12  brewery abd winery
nov 18  starbucks roasting plant visit
nov 19  Starbucks' holiday season, TOSA ktv
nov 20  lunch with ruru and cathy
nov 22 UBS coffee
nov 24-27 DC
dec 1  the first snow in my life
dec 2  sukiyaki with kenji, wakako, rachel
dec 5  x'mas cookies decorating party
dec 6 the end of the autumn quarter
dec 9 Lunch with MBA exchange
dec 9 x'mas party
dec 11 my first worship

unfurnitured house

meal box
send every important stuff by mail


Cereal addict

Lip stick addict

Bagel addict
Snack addict
milk addict
lots of activities for new student/ MBA

The difference of BBQ

Generous Samples in supermarkets
mom's package
b-day gifts
suzzallo's study room

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